
Overview of Unit System and Phone Number Formats

Each country has an associated unit system and phone number format. The unit system is the standard units in which weight and length are measured (e.g., most of Europe in on the System International, the United States is on the U.S. System (known outside the U.S. as the Imperial System), and the United Kingdom is on the Imperial + Metric System. Your system software ships with default values for these systems but a site administrator may decide to change the unit system. MarketDirect StoreFront supports many countries, and the “Countries” page provides administrators with the means to change (1) the unit system for a country and (2) the format for phone number.

The unit system settings determine the unit that is shown to a buyer on the site. For instance, an administrator in the U.S. can enter the weight of a product in pounds (lb), but a buyer viewing the product details in a country on the System International will see the weight in kilograms (kg). The system handles all conversions between unit systems.

Note: For information on setting the unit system for the site, see Unit System Tab.

To select the unit system and telephone number pattern associated with a country

1.        Scroll down to the country you want to assign a unit system for.

2.        To display all the supported unit systems, click All Units System and review the measurement standards for each of the supported systems.

Note: The All Units System is a special system (which is the default). It contains all the units the system supports. 

3.        Click Edit.

4.        From the Unit System pull-down list, select the unit system for the country.

5.        In the Phone Number Pattern (Advanced) field, type the phone number pattern using regular expression (or regex) recipes. For example: The regular expression for the U.S. phone number format (000) 000-0000 is:
^\(?\s?\+?\s?\d{3}\s?\)?[ -]?\d{3}[ -]?\d{4}$   

Note: For more information on regular expressions, see A Quick Reference on Regular Expressions

6.        In the Displayed Pattern field, enter the displayed pattern (e.g., for the U.S. phone number type (000) 000-0000).

7.        (If you are using the VAT taxation model) In the VAT Number Pattern field, enter the regular expression for the VAT number (for companies that are not members of the European Union).

Note: Within the European Union the VAT number is validated against the European Commission Web Service. For countries that are not members of the European Union, the VAT number can be validated against a regular expression set at the countries level. You can set the regular expression for the VAT number in various countries on the Countries page.

For more information on the VAT taxation model in the system, see VAT Taxation Model for Cross Border VAT Taxation.

8.        Click Update to save changes or click Cancel to quit editing without saving your changes.

See Also

         Site Settings - Unit System Tab